Social Manufacturing
We support Ethical Trading Initiative, in our company, employment are freely chosen, freedom of association and the right to collection bargaining are respected, working condition are safe and hygienic, child labor shall not be used, living wages are paid, working hours are not excessive, no discrimination is practiced, regular employment is provided, and no harsh or inhumane treatment is allowed.
Preserve Local Culture
Hand woven is one of the Indonesian craft heritage culture. In many villages in Central and West Java (the main Island of Indonesia) once many of the villager have a machine in their household. This is slowly changing, not many people want to do this work anymore. We try to find an appropriate balance. What will be the best price in the middle where this price can support their needs so it is still attractive for the weaver and still can be an attractive price for us and our customers to sell. By doing this we could help to preserve our local culture.
Reduce Carbon Footprint
Our boxes and if possible other item are mostly flat-packed, if we cannot do flat-pack we will try to do it stacked, if we cannot do stacked, we will try to do it nested. All of this is to reduce transport volume. Reducing volume means reducing all unnecessary cost for us and for our customers, reducing the amount of fossil fuel used in transportation.
Better Working Condition
We believe by providing better working condition for our workers, we can improve their productivity. We continuously improving working condition through systematic risk assessment in any steps of our production process. We do internal social audit in regular basis to keep the working condition. We also maintain a regular 3rd party social compliance audit to continuously improve our working condition.
Renewable Materials
Our main weave materials are water hyacinth and mendong straw. Both are renewable materials. Water Hyacinth is one of the fastest growing plants known. Water hyacinth is also known as an invasive species because of their growing speed, they can cover a lake in a very short time, blocking water flow and reducing the amount of sunlight entering the below surface ecosystem, often killing the ecosystem inside.
Longer Lifetime
Most of the production in Indonesia are using paperboard, we are using MDF material (low emission E1 for Europe, TSCA TITLE VI for USA). This MDF material are a much better material than paper board. This will provide a longer product lifetime.